Ackee is a story about a boy learning to blossom and burn brighter than ever; even amongst certain death. Dwayne Jones was a Jamaican 16-year-old boy who was killed by a violent mob in Montego Bay in 2013 after he attended a dance party dressed in women's clothing. No one deserves to suffer at the hands of marginalization and displacement. Dwayne’s story joins the like of many others across the world, who aren’t fortunate enough to receive media exposure about the crimes against humanity that took them from this world. I wrote this story in hopes that it will carry on the spirit of Dwayne and spread a little of the light taken from his loved ones all those years ago. I dedicated this show to the Gully Queens of Jamaica (sex workers and non-sex workers alike) and all the impoverished LGBT individuals across the world fighting to survive. May they live peacefully one day.